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Leave the Past Behind and Embrace the Future with e-Prescribing

Reduce Administrative Burden with True e-Prescribing

You've left portable CD players, VCRs, and rotary phones behind and now it's time to do the same with fax machines and paper prescriptions. Yesterday's cutting edge is today's relic.

Embrace the convenience, speed, and efficiency of e-prescribing with PrescribeIT® — the innovative digital technology that's modernizing how prescriptions are sent and received.

PrescribeIT® enables encrypted digital transmission of prescriptions, which means your prescription-related personal information is kept secure and confidential. It also means you can conveniently get your prescriptions sent to your pharmacy electronically, saving you a trip back to the doctor and ensuring you always have your medications on time.

With PrescribeIT®, the prescription process becomes safer and more efficient as well. Without having to decipher difficult to read handwritten prescriptions, there will be fewer mistakes, making your health care experience significantly smoother.

So, let's leave the past behind and embrace the future. Just like upgrading from other outdated technologies, everything becomes a little easier and more efficient when you switch to e-prescribing through PrescribeIT®.

But don't take our word for it. Learn why prescribers and pharmacies across Canada are choosing PrescribeIT®. If you're a prescriber or pharmacist and want to include PrescribeIT® in your practice, you can get started today.

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