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Governance and Stakeholder Collaboration

PrescribeIT® is engaging with its stakeholders to foster meaningful contribution to positively shape the future development and implementation of the service.

To support this, Canada Health Infoway (Infoway) adopted an innovative governance structure that ensures its stakeholders are involved in shaping the service’s growth and evolution.

Engagement will take many forms – from ongoing collaboration through working groups and task forces, to broad public consultation. This mechanism for input will enable PrescribeIT® to deliver the highest quality product and service for all Canadians.

PrescribeIT’s national service governance structure includes:

PrescribeIT® Strategy and Industry Alliances Committee of the Infoway Board of Directors

PrescribeIT® is accountable to Infoway’s Board of Directors and to its Corporation Members (the deputy ministers of health for the federal, provincial and territorial governments). The Board includes two federal appointees, five provincial/territorial appointees, and four-six independent directors.

A PrescribeIT® Strategy and Industry Alliances Committee of the Infoway Board (the Committee) was established to assist the Board in its oversight of the strategic development and evolution of PrescribeIT®. Members of this Committee have been appointed by the Infoway Board of Directors.

PrescribeIT® Groups

To support the deliberations of the Committee by providing a broadened stakeholder perspective, five groups have been convened in key strategic areas. These groups will help to identify opportunities and challenges and support the advancement of recommendations to the PrescribeIT® Secretariat regarding how they can best be addressed.

Membership will continue to evolve as needed.

The groups are: the opioids working group, the vendor partner forum, the pharmacy advisory sub-committee, physician advisory sub-committee, and the clinician advisory sub-committee.

PrescribeIT® Consultations

Consultation exercises will be held to broaden stakeholder input to guide decision-making on the growth and development of the service. PrescribeIT® will hold these consultations using a variety of tools including face-to-face meetings, conference calls, roundtable events and online input tools such as surveys.

Past Consultations:

PrescribeIT® Task Forces

Task forces for a single mandate issue or subject matter expertise are activated as needed by PrescribeIT® or Groups.

Visit the Infoway website for more information on Infoway’s governance and accountability structure.